Missionary Potluck this Sunday!

This Sunday, April 23 , we will welcome Sammy and Kelsey Weber and their family who are serving as missionaries to Cameroon. Between Services:  The Webers will update us on their work in Cameroon and all that has been happening…
St. Paul Valley City St. Paul Valley City


Cameroon Mission Potluck Meal

LWML this coming Sunday is sponsoring a congregational potluck for the missionaries Sammy & Kelsey Weber and their family after the second service. LWML will furnish hot dogs, Sloppy Jo’s and drinks. Congregation to bring a…


Weekly Prayer Chain Recap 4-17-2023

LET’S WELCOME  CAMEROON MISSIONARIES   Sammy, Kelsey and Family who will be visiting with us this coming Sunday between services for a follow-up mission presentation. PRAYER CHAIN From Cindy Balliet Jimmy Foecking  (age…


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, April 16, 2023

File: 2023-04-16 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:15 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at www.spvc.org or on Facebook or YouTube. …


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, April 2, 2023

File: 2023-04-09 Easter Sunday Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!  Today we will have in-person worship at 8:00am & 10:30am. We will also be streaming live at 8:00am. Easter…


Bulletin Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 8, 2023

File: 2023-04-08 Easter Vigil 7pm Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship at 7pm. We will also be streaming live at 7:00pm. Watch at www.spvc.org or on Facebook or YouTube. …