Services and Activiites are Suspended

Beloved in the Lord,

Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Effective immediately, all activities and services at St. Paul are suspended and the building is closed. Lord-willing we will resume worship on Palm Sunday, April 5. Please monitor the news channels for up-to-date closing information as well at or our Facebook page where you will also find resources to help you navigate these challenging days.

The Elders and Pastor Zielinski arrived at this decision based on the most recent recommendations to halt the spread and severity of the COVID-19 outbreak. Several weeks of very limited contact among our communities will have a tremendous impact on slowing the spread of the virus and allow medical resources to reach those most critical.

Should you desire pastoral care during this time, please contact the church office (330)483-3883 or (330)483-4119 and leave a message for Pastor Zielinski.

SERVICES AND BIBLE STUDY WILL BE AVAILBLE to view live or on-demand. Visit – on the homepage is a viewer for the livestream (when active) and for the most recent service. Bulletins are available via the link. Select the bulletin for the date of the service you are watching. Livestreams will typically be at normal service times.

REQUEST A DVD if you would prefer.

SHARE THIS INFORMATION with others connected to St. Paul and around our community. We are blessed to be able to bring God’s Word in this way during these difficult times.

Pastor will be posting and updating links to resources available to you to enrich your spiritual care both during these days and always.

God is gracious and will see us through these days. Whether we become ill or not, whether the virus is halted quickly or lingers, we face these earthly challenges with the peace and confidence of faith that surely Jesus has borne our griefs and carried our sicknesses in Himself to the cross where He has won for us an eternal healing and delight for all eternity.

Please direct any questions you may have to the Elders or Pastor Zielinski. We are available to you.

In Christ,

Board of Elders and

Pastor Zielinski
